社会杂志 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 1-31.

• 专题:历史社会学 •    下一篇



  1. 北京大学社会学系
  • 出版日期:2016-03-20 发布日期:2016-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 渠敬东 北京大学社会学系 E-mail:qujingdong70@163.com E-mail:qujingdong70@163.com

The Double -Track Governance in Chinese Traditional Society: Dialectics between System of Enfeoffment and System of Prefectures & Counties

QU Jingdong   

  1. Department of Sociology, Peking University
  • Online:2016-03-20 Published:2016-03-20

摘要: 对于中国社会的考察,要接续潘光旦、费孝通等前辈的学术路径,回到传统社会分析的古典范畴。传统社会由殷周、秦汉之变,以及后续各代的发展变迁,均围绕着封建制与郡县制的辩证关系而展开。封建一方面以宗法、丧服、宗庙等礼制,以亲亲、尊尊的差等秩序为原则,确立了君统与宗统之间的逻辑关联,另一方面则以天命的神圣观,确立了君民之间的自然天养的普遍法则,使民彝与民生成为了根本的治理基础。郡县则强调战国以来的历史势变,革除了封建制各私其土的乱政之源,反而开创了一个“公天下”的世界,确立了一种超国家形态的帝国政制体系。近世以来,王夫之、顾炎武等强调寓封建之意于郡县之中,旨在依据圣人对于三代之制的理解,打破尽天下一切之权,而收之在上的集权制系统,重新理顺“公”“私”之辨。不过,对于经学意义上的封建的考察,仍是一件需要进一步推敲的工作。

关键词: 郡县制, 封建制, 双轨治理, 天命, 势变

Abstract: Since Yin-Zhou and Qin-Han, the development of Chinese imperial system revolved around the dialectical tension between the feudal system of fiefdom (封建制) and the bureaucratic prefectural system (郡县制). In Fei Xiaotong's words, it is a dual-track politics of “Power of Monarch” and “Power of Gentry.” Under fiefdom, the relationship between monarch and his kinship was governed by the Confucian hierarchical principle of favoring the intimate (qin-qin) and respecting the superior (zun-zun), and ritualized by the patriarchal order of clan, mourning rites and ancestral worship. In addition, “Mandate of Heaven” solidified an organic relationship between the emperor and his subjects and became the foundation for the monarchical rule. The prefectural system highlighted the historical change since the Warring States that had abolished the feudal fiefdom system and gave the birth of an “All under the Heaven” (公天下). Thinkers like Wang Fuzi and Gu yanwu place emphasis on fiefdom as a counterpart of the prefectural system to break up the centralization of power and renew the debate on the dialectic between “public” and “private.” In sum, the feudal system of Fiefdom in China still needs to be clarified through reexamining the classical texts.

Key words: system of prefectures and counties, system of enfeoffment, double-track governance, destiny, potential change